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Is there any function equivalent to np.unique for generic object in Python

np.unique() can return indices of first occurrence, indices to reconstruct, and occurrence count. Is there any function/library that can do the same for any Python object?


  • Not as such. You can get similar functionality using different classes depending on your needs.

    unique with no extra flags has a similar result to set:

    unique_value = set(x)

    collections.Counter simulates return_counts:

    counts = collections.Counter(x)
    unique_values = list(counts.keys())
    unique_counts = list(counts.values())

    To mimic return_index, use list.index on a set or Counter. This assumes that the container is a list

    first_indices = [x.index(k) for k in counts]

    To simulate return_inverse, we look at how unique is actually implemented. unique sorts the input to get the runs of elements. A similar technique can be acheived via sorted (or in-place list.sort) and itertools.groupby:

    s = sorted(zip(x, itertools.count()))
    inverse = [0] * len(x)
    for i, (k, g) in enumerate(itertools.groupby(s, operator.itemgetter(0))):
        for v in g:
            inverse[v[1]] = i

    In fact, the groupby approach encodes all the options:

    s = sorted(zip(x, itertools.count()))
    unique_values = []
    first_indices = []
    unique_counts = []
    inverse = [0] * len(x)
    for i, (k, g) in enumerate(itertools.groupby(s, operator.itemgetter(0))):
        count = 1
        v = next(g)
        inverse[v[1]] = i
        for v in g:
            inverse[v[1]] = i
            count += 1