I am trying to build a sale invoice page that takes multiple products as input and also some information about the customer. It interacts with four MySQL tables (sales, sale_details, posting, and product_inventory). You'll get the idea of what will happen if a query fails. I want to avoid this. For this purpose I am trying to implement transactions feature of the InnoDB database engine using PHP and MySQL (PHPMyAdmin). Another problem is I've heard that autocommit
is turned off by default do I need to turn it ON
and then OFF
every time I fire a query? Here is my PHP code snippet:
$sal_date = trim($_POST["sale_date"]);
$cust_id = trim($_POST["cust_id"]);
$book_no = trim($_POST["sal_book_no"]);
$rem = $_POST["sal_remarks"];
$st = trim($_POST["sub_total"]);
$disc = floatval($_POST["total_disc"]) + floatval($_POST["adj_disc"]);
$total = trim($_POST["grand_total"]);
$query1 = mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO sales
(cust_id, book_no, sale_date, sub_total, discount, total, remarks)
VALUES ('$cust_id', '$book_no', '$sal_date', '$st', '$disc', '$total', '$rem')") or die(mysqli_error($link));
$query2 = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as last_row") or die(mysqli_error($link));
$sal_id = mysqli_fetch_array($query2);
$sal = intval($sal_id["last_row"]);
$the_query1 = mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO `posting`(`type`, `account_id`, `tr_id`, `tr_date`, `debit`) VALUES ('SI','$cust_id','$sal', '$sal_date', '$total')") or die(mysqli_error($link));
$the_query2 = mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO `posting`(`type`, `account_id`, `tr_id`, `tr_date`, `credit`) VALUES ('SI','10002','$sal', '$sal_date', '$total')") or die(mysqli_error($link));
for($count=0; $count<$_POST["total_item"]; $count++)
$prod_id = floatval(trim($_POST["product_name"][$count]));
$quantity = floatval(trim($_POST["qty"][$count]));
$disc = floatval(trim($_POST["disc"][$count]));
$query3 = mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO sale_details (sal_id, prod_id, quantity, discount) VALUES ('$sal', '$prod_id', '$quantity', '$disc')") or die(mysqli_error($link));
$query4 = mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO product_inventory (invoice_id, product_id, qty_out, in_date) VALUES ('$sal', '$prod_id', '$quantity', '$sal_date')") or die(mysqli_error($link));
I'll appreciate your suggestions.
You can use this method
mysqli_query($db, "START TRANSACTION");
$query1 = mysqli_query($db, "Query 1");
$query2 = mysqli_query($db, "Query 2");
$query3 = mysqli_query($db, "Query 3");
if($query1 && $query2 && $query3) {
mysqli_query($db, "COMMIT");
} else {
mysqli_query($db, "ROLLBACK");