I'm trying to replay messages from tp log directly to partitioned table on disk by appending messages since I don't have much primary memory compared to tplog size.
TpLog is like below:
q)9 2 sublist get `:/Users/uts/Desktop/repos/ktick/tick/sym2020.05.23
`upd `trade (,0D22:38:00.083960000;,`MSFT.O;,45.15104;,710)
`upd `quote (,0D22:38:01.082882000;,`VOD.L;,341.2765;,341.3056;,732;,481)
I'm using below 'upsert' method to append these tplog msgs to partitioned table but it is failing with type error on upsert:
`:/Users/uts/db/2020.05.23/quote/ set .Q.en[`:/Users/uts/db;]quote;
`:/Users/uts/db/2020.05.23/trade/ set .Q.en[`:/Users/uts/db;]trade;
if[`trade~t;[show raze d;`:/Users/uts/db/2020.05.23/trade/ upsert .Q.en[`:/Users/uts/db;]enlist (cols trade)!raze d]];
[1] upd:{[t;d]
if[`trade~t;[show raze d;`:/Users/utsav/db/2020.05.23/trade/ upsert .Q.en[`:/Users/utsav/db;]enlist (cols trade)!raze d]];
But if I try to manually append the message to partitioned table, it's working fine:
`:/Users/uts/db/2020.05.23/trade/ upsert .Q.en[`:/Users/uts/db;]enlist (cols trade)!raze (enlist 0D22:39:00.083960000;enlist `MSFT.O;enlist 45.15104; enlist 710)
Not sure why 'upsert' is not working within upd function along with -11!.
Please share(details/links) if there is any better way(most probably there must be) to replay the tplogs directly to disk without using much primary memory.
I'm not sure if it'll solve your exact problem but a few suggestions:
enlist (cols trade)!raze d
code wouldn't work (though I would suspect a length error in this case). A more general alternative is to use:$[0>type first d;enlist cols[trade]!d;flip cols[trade]!d]
write:{`:/Users/uts/db/2020.05.23/trade/ upsert .Q.en[`:/Users/uts/db;value x];delete from x};
if[`trade~t;t insert d];
if[10000<count value t;write[t]];
Then your replay would look like:
if[0<count trade;write[`trade]]; /need to write the leftovers
`sym`time xasc `:/Users/uts/db/2020.05.23/trade/;