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KOTLIN convert string to generic type

I want to read a line from input and convert it to generic type. something like

fun <T> R() : T {
  return readLine()!!.toType(T)

so for R<int>() it will call toInt() for long toLong() etc. how to achieve such a thing? And btw is there a possibility to have a default generic type (C++ has that) in case you want provide one


  • You can write generic inline function with reified type parameter:

    inline fun <reified T> read() : T {
        val value: String = readLine()!!
        return when (T::class) {
            Int::class -> value.toInt() as T
            String::class -> value as T
            // add other types here if need
            else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unknown Generic Type")

    Reified type parameter is used to access a type of passed parameter.

    Calling the function:

    val resultString = read<String>()
    try {
        val resultInt = read<Int>()
    } catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
        // make sure to catch NumberFormatException if value can't be cast