Background: My Account doesn't have admnin rights, so i always start spyder via anaconda prompt as an admin to have access to my admin created env. Using '-- new-instance' isnt possible after I've started spyder as the command prompt blocks new input.
Goal: add a second console to spyder like a second kernel in the first picture, settings are enabled. Is there a way to do this in Spyder directly?
Issue: Once started, I can't start spyder again via command line as the input is blocked as long as spyder is running. obviously calling spyder two times in one command doesn't work. I also can't run spyder.exe as it would only start my local version where I don't have access to my env
Carlos Cordobas Answer was the easiest way to do this within Spyder:
If you want to open more IPython consoles, you need to go to the Consoles menu
and select the entry called New console