In ethereum, JWT authentication takes place with the following process:
1) Users sign a message in metamask using accounts private key.
2) account address and the signed message are POSTed to the backend
3) The backend verifies that the signature is correct and generates a signed Json Web Token (JWT) proving that the holder is in control of the address
Near protocol uses the following code to signing:
window.near = await nearlib.connect(Object.assign({ deps: { keyStore: new nearlib.keyStores.BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore() } }, window.nearConfig));
// Needed to access wallet login
window.walletAccount = new nearlib.WalletAccount(window.near);
And this:
await this.props.wallet.requestSignIn(
How to use near login for backend, especially the verification step. In python in case of web3 it uses
from web3auth.utils import recover_to_addr
if not address == recover_to_addr(token, signature):
return None
Can I use something in python (or javascript or rust) in the near protocol? Rust example is fine as I can call the function in python through cffi.
Please provide some code.
NEAR Wallet does not provide JWT authentication, but overall the procedure would be the following:
has signMessage
method on Signer interface, but you can use any ed25519 implementation to sign a binary blob using the keynear-api-js
KeyPair has verify
method), and query NEAR RPC API to confirm that the key belongs to the account id.