I'm trying to find the min, max, and average of each student after(or within) the matrix. How would I get access to the list of each student's scores within the loop iteration? I've started with finding the minimum within the function(findlowest()) but can't figure out how to get just 1 student's exam scores at a time.
studentExam = 5
minMaxScore = 5
def main():
global studentName, studentExam, score, scoreList, examScoreMaxList, min, max
def ValidateUser(score):
while score < 0 or score > 100:
score = float(input("Invalid input, please try again"))
return score
def getStudentInfo():
studentName = int(input("enter the number of student: "))
# studentExam = int(input("how many exam scores: "))
# Initialize matrix
matrix = []
# For user input
for i in range(studentName): # A for loop for row entries
scoreList = []
scoreList.append(input("enter name of students " + str(i + 1) + ": "))
for j in range(studentExam): # A for loop for column entries
score = float(input("enter exam " + str(j + 1) + ": "))
score = ValidateUser(score)
# for printing
for i in range(studentName):
for j in range(studentExam+1):
print(matrix[i][j], end=" ")
def findLowest():
minlist = []
min = minlist[0]
for i in studentExam[0:5]:
if i < min:
min = i
print("the minimum number is: ", min)
I would like the code to display something similar to the following:
Mike H: min score - 78
max score - 94
avg score - 85
Sarah G: min score - 78
max score - 94
avg score - 85
This should do it. You just needed a nested for loop.
scores = [["Mike", 100, 98, 43, 56, 43], ["John", 95, 32, 79, 75, 67]]
for arr in scores:
#arr = ["Mike", 100, 98, 43, 56, 43] or ["John", 95, 32, 79, 75, 67]
min = None
max = None
sum = 0
studentName = None
for i in arr:
if type(i) != str:
if not min or i < min:
min = i
if not max or i > max:
max = i
sum += i
studentName = i
avg = sum/5
print(studentName + ": \t min score - " + str(min))
print("\t max score - " + str(max))
print("\t avg score - " + str(avg))