On the Google Cloud Platform I have two projects, project-a
and project-b
In project-a
I have a Google Container Registry (GCR) and in project-b
I have a private Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster (with Cloud NAT and Private Google Access). In project-b
I have a custom service account which is used by the GKE cluster (configured that on creation of the cluster, instead of the default compute
service account. Therefore, I also did not need to configure access scopes).
To be able to pull images from GCR in project-a
, I granted the custom service account "Storage Object Viewer" permissions on the corresponding GCS bucket in project-a
, according to the documentation.
However, I keep getting the error that GKE is unable to pull the image. The permissions on the bucket seem fine though: if I generate a key file for the custom service account, create a kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
secret from it and use that secret as imagePullSecrets
, then the node is able to pull the image.
My assumption was that creating this secret is not needed since the GKE-node uses the custom service account already. What is going wrong here?
I found the solution, it appeared I still had to configure access scopes (storage-read), even when I was using a custom service account. It was my assumption that when one uses a custom service account for the node pool, access scopes did not have to be configured; and that just allowing the custom SA Storage Object Viewer
permissions on the GCR bucket would be sufficient.