I need to transition between my screens with named routes. But when I use more than 1 route it transitions with the default transition and not the one from the flutter_page_transitions library.
This doesn't work:
initialRoute: '/first',
routes: {
'/first': (context) => First(),
'/second': (context) => Second(),
'/third': (context) => Third(),
onGenerateRoute: (settings) {
switch (settings.name) {
case '/first': {
return PageTransition(
child: First(), type: PageTransitionType.fade);
case '/second': {
return PageTransition(
child: Second(), type: PageTransitionType.fade);
case '/third': {
return PageTransition(
child: Third(), type: PageTransitionType.fade);
default: {
return null;
This works
onGenerateRoute: (settings) {
switch (settings.name) {
case '/first': {
return PageTransition(
child: First(), type: PageTransitionType.fade);
default: {
return null;
You shouldn't have the same route in both routes: and onGenerateRoute. They are mutually exclusive. So choose which code block you want to process your route.
OnGenerateRoute picks up routes that are not specified in routes: