I would like my stateless service (sender) sends an object to a stateful one (receiver) by service remoting. I only find the way that statefull service (receiver) creates a proxy and waits for a message from sender.
ISenderService senderClient = ServiceProxy.Create<ISenderService>(new Uri("fabric:/MyApplication/SenderService"));
string message = await senderClient.MessageAsync();
It is not that I want. I want stateless service (sender) creates proxy to the stateful one, sends messages, and stateful one (receiver) listens and do something when it receives a message.
How can I do that ? I didn't find any documentations or examples about this case.
If I well understood, service A (stateless) creates proxy to call service B (stateful) function.
You're on the right track.
long partitionKey = DeterminePartitionAddressFromContext();
var proxy = _serviceProxyFactory.CreateServiceProxy<ISenderService>(new Uri("fabric:/MyApplication/SenderService"), new ServicePartitionKey(partitionKey), TargetReplicaSelector.PrimaryReplica, RemotingListenerName);
await proxy.MessageAsync();
More info in this example, in which a stateless service calls a stateful service using SF remoting.
The partition in the example is based by using a hash of the input object, which will return an int64 number, which can be used to address an Int64RangePartition. You can likely do a similar thing in your stateful service. See this video for more info on the example and partitioning strategies.