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Recognizing subexpressions when parsing a string in sympy

I am trying to simplify a rather complicated expression in sympy.

from sympy import *
xi, eta = symbols('xi eta')
expr = (sin(eta)*sin(xi) - 1)**2*(sin(eta)*sin(xi) + 1)**2/((cos(eta)**2*tan(xi)**2 + 1)*(cos(xi)**2*tan(eta)**2 + 1)*cos(eta)**2*cos(xi)**2)

expr should simplify to 1, but sympy fails to do so automatically. In order to help it a little, I need a change of variables:

X, Y = symbols('X Y')
xi = atan(X)
eta = atan(Y)

So xi, and eta are not symbols anymore. Now I need to re-parse expr in order to change the variables. What I currently do is:

simplify(repr(expr).replace('xi',repr(xi)).replace('eta', repr(eta)))

This works. But it seems like a crude way of doing it. Is there any other way for sympy ro recognize that xi and eta are expressions and not symbols, when parsing repr(expr).


  • sympify (or S for short) will convert a string to an expression, and it has an option to make user-defined replacements while doing so. This toy example should help you:

    >>> from sympy import S, cos
    >>> from import x