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Exceeded maximum execution time (line 0)

The Error Message

I have a .tsv file from a tool and I have to import it the Google Sheet (nearly) real-time for reports. This is my code for importing:

function importBigTSV(url) {return Utilities.parseCsv(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText(),'\t');}

It worked till some days ago when Error messages keep saying "Exceeded maximum execution time (line 0)."

Could anyone help? Thank you a lot!


  • Issue:

    As @TheMaster said, custom functions have a hard limit of 30 seconds, which your function is most probably reaching. Regular Apps Script executions have a much more generous time limit (6 or 30 minutes, depending on your account), so you should modify your function accordingly.

    Differences between functions:

    In order to transform your function, you have to take into account these basic differences:

    • You cannot pass parameters to a function called by a Menu or a button. Because of this, you have to find another way to specify the URL to fetch.
    • Values returned by a regular function don't get automatically written to the sheet. You have to use a writing method (like setValues, or appendRow) to do that.
    • A non-custom function is not called in any particular cell, so you have to specify where do you want to write the values to.

    Since, from what I understand, you are always fetching the same URL, you can specify that URL just by hardcoding it into your function.


    The function below, for example, will write the parsed output to the range that is currently selected (at the moment of triggering the function). You could as well provide a default range to write the output to, using getRange:

    function importBigTSV() {
      var url = "{url-to-fetch}";
      var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
      try {
        var output = Utilities.parseCsv(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText(),'\t');
        var outputRange = range.offset(0, 0, output.length, output[0].length);
      } catch(err) {

    If the URL can change, I'd suggest you to have a list of URLs to fetch, and, before triggering the function, select the desired URL, and use getActiveRange in order to get this URL.

    Attaching function to Menu:

    In any case, once you have written your function, you have to attach this function somehow, so that it can be trigged from the sheet itself. You can either create a custom menu, or insert and image or drawing, and attach the script to it. The referenced links provide clear and concise steps to achieve this.
