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Visual Studio 2008 application settings not saved?

I know:

Application settings can be stored as any data type that is XML serializable or has a TypeConverter that implements ToString/FromString. The most common types are String, Integer, and Boolean, but you can also store values as Color, Object, or as a connection string.

I have a ListDictionary class setting - which is serializable but everytime I start up my app again it is null despite creating, assigning and saving a ListDictionary to my settings:

Properties.Settings.Default.Preferences = new System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary();
Properties.Settings.Default.Preferences.Add(1, "test");

How can I use such a class as an application setting? I need a dictionary type collection as a setting...


  • There are a set of things i would like you to try.

    1. make sure you create the settings scope as USER . add 2 strings(DictionaryKey and Dictionaryvalue) to the settings and set the scope as user and value as blank

    1. Settings doesn't contain an option to add Dictionary . So what i would suggest is try this code

    make 2 sting settings and do this

    Properties.Settings.Default.Dictionarykey = "";// To empty previous settings 
    Properties.Settings.Default.Dictionaryvalue = "";// To empty previous settings 
    for (int i = 0; i < yourdictionarycount; i++ )
    Properties.Settings.Default.Dictionarykey += i + "#";  // or any other value                
    Properties.Settings.Default.Dictionaryvalue += "test" + "#";  // or any other value                

    And when you are retrieving the values

    use this code:

    public Dictionary<int, string> savedsettings = new Dictionary<int, string>();
    string[] eachkey = Properties.Settings.Default.Dictionarykey.Split('#');
    string[] value = Properties.Settings.Default.Dictionaryvalue.Split('#');
    for (int j = 0; j < eachkey.Length; j++)
      savedsettings.Add(eachkey[i], eachvalue[i]);
    //just to check if the values are being retrieved properly 


    Vivek Sampara