I am getting an massive image in ionic,so I need to code or resize it. I am quite lost... is it possible? My code so far is:
base64 = 'data:image/jpeg;base64, ';
defaultAvatar = './assets/img/resources/img-avatar.png';
if (this.staffService.getStaff() === null) {
this.staffService.staffInfo().subscribe(data => {
this.staffData = this.staffService.mapStaffData(data);
this.avatar_imagen = this.staffData.image ?
this.base64 + this.staffData.image
: this.defaultAvatar;
} else {
this.staffData = this.staffService.getStaff();
this.avatar_imagen = this.staffData.image ?
this.base64 + this.staffData.image
: this.defaultAvatar;
Used languages must to be Ionic or Angular. (NOT using Javascript) Thanks you all.
Try to use use ng2-img-cropper
to resize the image before uploading. In addition, you can customize dimension.
You can install the package named as ng2-img-cropper
npm install ng2-img-cropper --save
You can read more about ng2-img-cropper here
If you want to avoid additional packages, then you can use this TypeScript version of image resizing.
Moreover, there is a little bit simplier example. However, you also need to create somewhere canvas and you can use ViewChild
to work with it.