I have the below table.
Item Id Desc Values
M1 Color Red
M1 Weight 100GR
M1 Type Mouse
M1 Company Lenovo
M1 Wireless Yes
M1 Battery Yes
M2 Color Green
M2 Weight 150GR
M2 Type KB
M2 Company Lenovo
M2 Wireless No
M2 Battery No
M3 Color Yellow
M3 Weight 100GR
M3 Type Headphone
M3 Company MS
M3 Wireless Yes
M3 Battery No
Expected Output:
Item Id Color Weight Type Company Wireless Battery
M1 Red 100GR Mouse Lenovo Yes Yes
M2 Green 150GR KB Lenovo No No
M3 Yellow 100GR Headphone MS Yes No
The original file contains millions of records. The attached file is just an example.
Please help me get the solution. I tried .T and also tried through loop, but not able to set it correct. Looping hangs by PC when I work on the original file.
Sorry I am not able to find the option to attach the excel file.
You could try something like pivot_tables.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
df2 = pd.pivot_table(df, values='Values', index = ['ItemId'], columns=['Desc'], aggfunc=lambda x: ' '.join(x))
Play with the indexes and columns for a different result.