Im currently working on a UWP app that looks something like this with Acrylic on the left panel:
Now when I enable power saving mode on my laptop, the acrylic gets replaced with its fallback color:
Now I want an option in my app's settings screen to disable acrylic throughout the app, and have the fallback color be used always. Im not sure where to begin however. This seems promising but I'm not sure how I'd implement it without having to go through every single acrylic material in the app and add code to disable it.
Is there a top level setting that I could use to do this? Thanks.
You can use CustomResource
to decide how to display your AcrylicBrush:
In the question description, you need a top-level setting to switch the Acrylic effect. Here you can use LocalSettings
public class Tool
public static void WriteLocalSetting(string key, object value)
var localSetting = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
localSetting.Values[key.ToString()] = value;
public static object GetLocalSetting(string key, object defaultValue)
var localSetting = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
bool isKeyExist = localSetting.Values.ContainsKey(key.ToString());
if (isKeyExist)
return localSetting.Values[key.ToString()];
WriteLocalSetting(key, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
According to the documentation of CustomResource, you need to create a derived class.
public class CustomResourceLoader : CustomXamlResourceLoader
protected override object GetResource(string resourceId, string objectType, string propertyName, string propertyType)
if (resourceId == "MyBackground")
bool isUseAcrylic = (bool)Tool.GetLocalSetting("IsUseAcrylic", true);
var brush = new AcrylicBrush();
brush.TintColor = Colors.White;
brush.BackgroundSource = AcrylicBackgroundSource.HostBackdrop;
brush.TintOpacity = 0.7;
brush.FallbackColor = Colors.White;
brush.AlwaysUseFallback = !isUseAcrylic;
return brush;
return null;
public App()
// ...
CustomXamlResourceLoader.Current = new CustomResourceLoader();
<Grid Background="{CustomResource MyBackground}">
<ToggleSwitch Toggled="ToggleSwitch_Toggled"/>
private void ToggleSwitch_Toggled(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Tool.WriteLocalSetting("IsUseAcrylic", (sender as ToggleSwitch).IsOn);
// Need Re-render
It should be noted that switching at runtime will not affect the already rendered elements. After the modification, you can pop up a MessageDialog
asking the user to restart the application to re-render.