I'm trying to create a simple Rest Resource using Helidon-MP but for some reason it doesn't work when I add the bean validation annotations on my method.
public Response generatePlan(@Valid @ValidPlan JsonObject payload) {
// some logic here
Is this the expected behavior? Or Should I add some dependency or configuration?
I tried to find something on the documentation, but I couldn't.
I ended up doing as @LairdNelson answered and added the following dependencies in my pom.xml
Bean validation is not part of the MicroProfile set of specifications, so by default it is not part of Helidon MP, which is a MicroProfile implementation.
You may of course add an implementation of Bean Validation on your compile or runtime classpath provided it is a CDI portable extension (which is how you add arbitrary capabilities to any MicroProfile-compliant implementation). One such portable extension is the Hibernate Validator-backed one. There may certainly be others.