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How to use Bean Validation in a Helidon App?

I'm trying to create a simple Rest Resource using Helidon-MP but for some reason it doesn't work when I add the bean validation annotations on my method.

public Response generatePlan(@Valid @ValidPlan JsonObject payload) {
   // some logic here

Is this the expected behavior? Or Should I add some dependency or configuration?

I tried to find something on the documentation, but I couldn't.


I ended up doing as @LairdNelson answered and added the following dependencies in my pom.xml:



  • Bean validation is not part of the MicroProfile set of specifications, so by default it is not part of Helidon MP, which is a MicroProfile implementation.

    You may of course add an implementation of Bean Validation on your compile or runtime classpath provided it is a CDI portable extension (which is how you add arbitrary capabilities to any MicroProfile-compliant implementation). One such portable extension is the Hibernate Validator-backed one. There may certainly be others.