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Using pixel fonts in PIL

I am creating images using PIL that contain numerous exactly placed text strings. My first attempt was to convert pixel fonts into the pil-compatible format as described here. For example, I download the Silkscreen font and convert it:

otf2bdf -p 8pt -o fonts/slkscr.bdf fonts/slkscr.ttf fonts/slkscr.bdf

I can then use the font in PIL like so:

import Image, ImageDraw, os, sys, ImageFont
im ="RGB", (40,10))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
fn = ImageFont.load('fonts/slkscr.pil')
draw.text((0,0), "Hello", font=fn)
del draw
# write to stdout, "PNG")

However, the resulting image (alt text) does not reflect what the font should look like.

What procedure should I be using to convert and use pixel fonts so that they render as intended?

Thanks in advance.


  • Eureka!

    Just needed to specify a resolution of 72 dpi (default is 100) for otf2bdf:

    otf2bdf -p 8 -r 72 -o fonts/slkscr.bdf fonts/slkscr.ttf

    Now, alt text looks great!