Search code examples

Aggregation $graphLookup retrieving results in different order every-time the query is executed?

I have the following dataset (categories):

  "_id": 1,
  "name": "Root",
  "parent": null
   "_id": 2,
   "name": "Sub - Level 1",
   "parent": 1
 }, {
   "_id": 3,
   "name": "Sub - Level 2",
   "parent": 2
 }, {
   "_id": 4,
   "name": "Sub - Level 3",
   "parent": 3

and I am running the following pipeline on this dataset to fetch the tree recursively:

  '$match': {
    '_id': 1
}, {
  '$graphLookup': {
    'from': 'categories', 
    'startWith': '$_id', 
    'connectFromField': '_id', 
    'connectToField': 'parent', 
    'as': 'menu'
}, {
    '$sort': {
      'menu.parent': 1

The aim is to fetch the tree recursively like this:

    "_id": 1,
    "name": "Root",
    "parent: "null",
    "menu": [

It does the job, but each time the query is executed the order of the elements in the menu array is different. EVERYTIME!

"menu" : [{... Sub - Level 2},{... Sub - Level 3}, {... Sub - Level 1}]
"menu" : [{... Sub - Level 1},{... Sub - Level 3}, {... Sub - Level 2}]
"menu" : [{... Sub - Level 3},{... Sub - Level 1}, {... Sub - Level 2}]

Is this the normal behaviour of $graphLookup or am I missing out on something? How am I supposed to sort the menu array?


  • Documents returned in the as field are not guaranteed to be in any order.

    If you need an order, consider specifying the 'depthField' argument, and sorting by that.


        "$match": {
          "_id": 1
        "$graphLookup": {
          "from": "categories",
          "startWith": "$_id",
          "connectFromField": "_id",
          "connectToField": "parent",
          "as": "menu",
          depthField: "order"
        $unwind: "$menu"
        $sort: {
          _id: 1,
          "menu.order": 1
        $group: {
          _id: "$_id",
          name: {
            $first: "$name"
          parent: {
            $first: "$parent"
          menu: {
            $push: "$menu"
        $unset: "menu.order" //Change to $project:{"menu.order":0} for MongoDB <v4.2
