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javax.validation.constraints does not work with Spring web

Here is my controller:

import javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

public class AuthController {

    public RequestResultJSON<String> register(@RequestParam @NotEmpty String username,
                                              @RequestParam @NotEmpty String password,
                                              @RequestParam @NotEmpty  String passwordConfirm);

And i use this dependencies in my pom.xml file




When I make a post request I expect that method execution will not happen, but it happens with incorrect parameters

Request: http://localhost:8080/auth-api/register?username&password&passwordConfirm

And register method execute with username="", password="", passwordConfirm=""


  • you need to add @Validated annotation on your controller, which marks it to be validated.

    public class AuthController {
      // your code

    Additionally, you have to make sure you have one validator implementation like hibernate-validator in your classpath.


    If not already present, you can add above dependency in your pom.xml or any other suitable version from here