I have this python crawler output
[+] Site to crawl: http://www.example.com
[+] Start time: 2020-05-24 07:21:27.169033
[+] Output file: www.example.com.crawler
[+] Crawling
[-] http://www.example.com
[-] http://www.example.com/
[-] http://www.example.com/icons/ubuntu-logo.png
[-] http://www.example.com/manual
[i] 404 Not Found
[+] Total urls crawled: 4
[+] Directories found:
[-] http://www.example.com/icons/
[+] Total directories: 1
[+] Directory with indexing
I want to cut the lines between "Crawling" & "Total urls crawled" using awk or any other tool, so basically i wanna use variables to assign the NR to the first keyword "Crawling", and a second variable assigned to it the NR value of the second limiter "Total urls crawled", and then cut the range between the two, i tried something like this:
awk 'NR>$(Crawling) && NR<$(urls)' file.txt
but nothing really worked, the best i got is a cut from the Crawling+1 line to the end of the file which isn't helpfull really, so how to do it and how to cut a range of lines with awk with variables!
If I got your requirement correctly you want to put shell variables to awk
code and search strings then try following.
awk -v crawl="Crawling" -v url="Total urls crawled" '
$0 ~ url{
$0 ~ crawl{
' Input_file
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
awk -v crawl="Crawling" -v url="Total urls crawled" ' ##Starting awk program and setting crawl and url values of variables here.
$0 ~ url{ ##Checking if line is matched to url variable then do following.
found="" ##Nullify the variable found here.
next ##next will skip further statements from here.
$0 ~ crawl{ ##Checking if line is matched to crawl variable then do following.
found=1 ##Setting found value to 1 here.
next ##next will skip further statements from here.
found ##Checking condition if found is SET(NOT NULL) then print current line.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.