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How to handle COM events from a console application?

I'm using a COM object from a third party library that generates periodic events. When I use the library from a Winforms app, having the object as a class member and creating it in the main form thread, everything works. However, if I create the object from another thread, I don't receive any event.

My guess is that I need to have some kind of event loop in the same thread used to create the object.

I need to use this object from a console application. I guess I could use Application.DoEvents, but I'd rather not include the Winforms namespace in a console App.

How can I solve this problem?

Update 3 (2011-06-15): The vendor has answered at last. In short, they say there is some difference between the message pump created by Application.Run and the one created by Thread.Join, but they don't know what that difference is.

I agree with them; any light shed on this matter would be very appreciated.


From Richard comment to mdm answer:

if there other component is single threaded and instantiated from an MTA then Windows will create the worker thread + window + message pump and do the necessary marshalling.

Trying to follow his advice, I'm doing the following:

Update 2:

I'm changed the code following João Angelo answer.

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication2
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyComObjectWrapper wrapper = new MyComObjectWrapper();

    class MyComObjectWrapper
        MyComObject m_Object;
        AutoResetEvent m_Event;

        public MyComObjectWrapper()
            m_Event = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);

            System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(() => CreateObject());
            t.SetApartmentState (System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA);


        void ObjectEvt(/*...*/)
            // ...

        void Wait()

        void CreateObject()
            m_Object = new MyComObject();
            m_Object.OnEvent += ObjectEvt;


I have also tried the following instead:

        public MyComObjectWrapper()


  • As already stated in other answers STA COM components require a message loop to be run in order for calls happening in other threads be correctly marshaled to the STA thread that owns the component.

    In Windows Forms you get the message loop for free, but in a console application you must do it explicitly by calling Thread.CurrentThread.Join on the thread that owns the COM component and that is probably also the main thread for the application. This thread must be STA.

    From the MSDN entry of Thread.Join you can see that this is what you want:

    Blocks the calling thread until a thread terminates, while continuing to perform standard COM and SendMessage pumping.

    If you don't want to do anything else in the main console thread you just wait indefinitely, otherwise you can do other stuff while periodically calling Thread.CurrentThread.Join to pump messages.

    Side-note: This assumes you're dealing with a STA COM component.

    A simplified example:

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var myComObj = new MyComObject();
            myComObj.OnEvent += ObjectEvt;
            Thread.CurrentThread.Join(); // Waits forever
        static void ObjectEvt(object sender, EventArgs e) { }

    In this example the console application will be in a never ending loop that should do nothing more then respond to events from the COM component. If this does not work you should try to get support from the COM component vendor.