I have a repository class that uses a MutableLiveData object, exposed as just LiveData, to return results of async web queries to a ViewModel. The ViewModel then uses Transformation to map the results to another MutableLiveData which is observed by a View.
I think I followed the recommended architecture in this module by separating the concerns, but I find it hard to write unit tests for the ViewModel:
class DataRepository ( private val webservice: DataWebService ) {
private val _exception = MutableLiveData<Exception?>(null)
val exception : LiveData<Exception?> get() = _exception
private val _data = MutableLiveData<List<DataItem>>()
val data: LiveData<List<DataItem>> = _data
private val responseListener = Response.Listener<String> {response ->
try {
val list = JsonReader(SearchResult.mapping).readObject(response).map {
//Data transformation
_exception.value = null
_data.value = list
} catch (ex: Exception) {
_exception.value = ex
_data.value = emptyList()
fun findData(searchString: String) {
_data.value = emptyList()
webservice.findData(searchString, responseListener = responseListener)
class WebServiceDataViewModel (private val repository: DataRepository, app: App) : AndroidViewModel(app)
val dataList: LiveData<List<DataItem>> = Transformations.map(repository.data) {
_showEmpty.value = it.isEmpty()
val exception: LiveData<Exception?> get() = repository.exception
private val _showEmpty = MutableLiveData(true)
val showEmpty : LiveData<Boolean> = _showEmpty
private var _reloadOnCreate = true
var searchString: String? = null
set(value) {
field = value
if (!value.isNullOrBlank()) {
ViewModel Test class:
class WebServicePodcastViewModelTest {
@Rule var instantExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
@Mock lateinit var repository : DataRepository
@Mock lateinit var app : App
lateinit var viewModel: WebServiceDataViewModel
@Mock lateinit var exceptionObserver : Observer<Exception?>
@Mock lateinit var dataObserver : Observer<List<DataItem>>
@Mock lateinit var showEmptyObserver : Observer<Boolean>
fun setUp() {
viewModel = WebServiceDataViewModel(repository, app)
fun searchForData() {
val searchString = "MockSearch"
`when`(repository.findData(searchString)).then { /* How to invoke the mock repositories LiveData? */ }
//TODO: verify that ViewModel LiveData behaves as expected
So how do I invoke the immutable LiveData of a mocked class? Currently I'm trying to use Mockito & JUnit, but I'm open to different frameworks if the setup is easy!
In the end I ditched Mockito and used MockK instead which works like a charm!