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How can I deal with the firestore whereIn limit of 10 when using a switch stream?

I have the following Stream that takes in a Stream of a group and returns a Stream of it's members. I use a switchmap to get the members from the group snapshot.

But I have the following problem. I use a where query with a whereIn filter. But the problem is that the whereIn can only take in a list that have 10 entries or less according to the firestore documentation

Limitations Note the following limitations for in and array-contains-any:

in and array-contains-any support up to 10 comparison values.

So I am having some difficulties with dealing with that in this senario.

  Stream<List<UserModel>> groupMembersStream(Stream<GroupModel> groupStream) {
    return groupStream.switchMap(
      (value) => _fireStore
          .where(FieldPath.documentId, whereIn: value.members.keys.toList(growable: false))
          .map((snapshot) =>
     => UserModel.fromFirestore(document)).toList(growable: false)),

Because I need the group member id's to start with so I need a switchMap. So I cannot just simply split up the group members list and then do a seperate query for each chunk of 10 id's.

So how do I deal with this?


  • I ended up doing it like this

      Stream<List<UserModel>> groupMembersStream(Stream<GroupModel> groupStream) {
        return groupStream.switchMap(
          (value) => _chunckSizeGroupMembersStream(value),
      Stream<List<UserModel>> _chunckSizeGroupMembersStream(GroupModel group) {
        final List<List<String>> memberChunks = chunkSizeCollection(group.members.keys.toList(growable: false), 10);
        List<Stream<List<UserModel>>> streams = List<Stream<List<UserModel>>>();
        memberChunks.forEach((chunck) => streams.add(_fireStore
            .where(FieldPath.documentId, whereIn: chunck)
            .map((snapshot) =>
       => UserModel.fromFirestore(document)).toList(growable: false))));
        return ZipStream(streams, (value) => value.last);