I'm trying to record screen and also input from my webcam. To show image from a webcam I use ffplay. However I want it to be placed in a specific location of my screen. To do so I use xdotool and following bash script:
ffplay -i /dev/video0 &
echo $res
window_pid=$(xdotool search --pid $res)
echo $window_pid
xdotool windowmove $window_pid 1200 200
For some reason I get correct process id res
but nothing for the window_pid
. If I run similar commands in terminal it works correctly (I run ffplay in one terminal instance and the rest of commands in another). What am I missing here?
You can try this :
ffplay -i /dev/video0 &
echo $res
until window_pid=$(xdotool search --pid $res); test -n "$window_pid"; do
sleep .1
echo $window_pid
xdotool windowmove $window_pid 1200 200