Search code examples

Multiple Melts with categories and sub-categories in R

I have below data:

structure(list(Filters = structure(c(4L, 2L, 6L, 5L, 1L, 3L, 
7L), .Label = c("product type : shade || shade family : white", 
"space : bedroom || product type : appliances", "space : bedroom || shade family : white", 
"space : living room || product type : shade || shade family : white", 
"space : living room || product type : shade|appliances", "space : living room || shade family : white|black", 
"space : living room || shade family : yellows & greens"), class = "factor"), 
    Count = c(143L, 131L, 119L, 101L, 94L, 84L, 82L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

I want to get sum of count for each category and subcategory available in data. also if category has multiple subcategories then each category should have sum of count for each.

For e.g. to get sum of (product type : appliances) => product type : appliances & product type : shade|appliances both are eligible.

I am looking for output like:

                   Category Count
1                     space   660
2              product type   469
3              shade family   522
4       space : living room   445
5      product type : shade   338
6 product type : appliances   232
7                  So on ….    ..

Thanks in advance.


  • One approach is with separate_rows and separate:

    df %>%
      separate_rows(Filters,sep = " \\|\\| ") %>%
      separate(Filters, into = c("Category","Subcategory")," : ") %>%
      group_by(Category, Subcategory) %>%
      summarise(Count = sum(Count)) %>%
      bind_rows(group_by(.,Category) %>%
                  summarize(Count  = sum(Count)) %>%
                  mutate(Subcategory = "Total")) %>%
      separate_rows(Subcategory,sep = "\\|") %>%
    # A tibble: 13 x 3
    # Groups:   Category [3]
       Category     Subcategory      Count
       <chr>        <chr>            <int>
     1 space        Total              660
     2 shade family Total              522
     3 product type Total              469
     4 space        living room        445
     5 shade family white              321
     6 product type shade              237
     7 space        bedroom            215
     8 product type appliances         131
     9 shade family white              119
    10 shade family black              119
    11 product type shade              101
    12 product type appliances         101
    13 shade family yellows & greens    82

    Thanks to this answer from @Bishops_Guest for some inspiration.