I have been using this code to convert 10 .wav files in .mp3
song_dir = 'Desktop/Song_test/*wav'
song = glob(song_dir)
for song in song:
mp3_song = os.path.splitext(song)[0] + '.mp3'
sound = pydub.AudioSegment.from_mp3(song)
sound.export('Desktop/Song_test/Converted/', mp3_song, '.mp3', format="mp3")
print("Conversion Done")
What I want to actually achieve is to pick the .wav file from Song_Test convert it in .mp3 file and save it in a subdirectory within Song_Test named Converter. The new file should have the same name (for this I was trying to use os.path.splitext
when I was not trying to save the output in a different directory, this was working fine and the converted files had the same name as the earlier file.
Upon saving it in a new directory, When I run this code error pops up, TypeError: export() got multiple values for argument 'format'. Please guide me how I can do this.
Try writing the export like this -
sound.export('Desktop/Song_test/Converted/' + mp3_song, format="mp3")