Navigation in a named outlet in Angular does not work. Why?
Here is the error:
NavigationStart(id: 3, url: '/(sidebar-outlet:login/(sidebar-outlet:account-creation)//header-info-outlet:empty)')
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'login'
Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'login'
at ApplyRedirects.noMatchError (router.js:4396)
Here is my routes setup:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: "empty", component: EmptyComponent },
{ path: "", component: HomeComponent },
{ path: "empty", component: EmptyComponent, outlet: Outlets.sidebar },
{ path: "login", component: LoginComponent, outlet: Outlets.sidebar },
path: "account-creation",
component: CreateAccountComponent,
outlet: Outlets.sidebar
{ path: "menu", component: MainMenuComponent, outlet: Outlets.sidebar },
{ path: "empty", component: EmptyComponent, outlet: Outlets.headerInfo },
path: "header-info",
component: HeaderInfoComponent,
outlet: Outlets.headerInfo
Here are the Outlets
export const Outlets = {
sidebar: "sidebar-outlet",
headerInfo: "header-info-outlet"
Here is the routerLink
which once is clicked produces the error:
[routerLink]= "[{ outlets: { 'sidebar-outlet': ['account-creation']}}]"
Here is the penultimate state of a router:
Here is the expected ultimate state of a router in case the error will be fixed:
I am very confused and after searching for an answer for two days I was not able to find one. By such a routerLink
(particularly 'sidebar-outlet': ['account-creation']
) I am expecting the route after click to be /(sidebar-outlet:account-creation//header-info-outlet:empty)
, but it tries to become /(sidebar-outlet:login/(sidebar-outlet:account-creation)//header-info-outlet:empty)
as we can see in the error.
How could I fix it?
Here is my app.component.html
(only the shown below part contains router-outlet
, there are no other places in my project`s templates where I would have used a router-outlet
<div class="mat-app-background">
<mat-toolbar class="main-toolbar" color="primary">>
<router-outlet name="header-info-outlet"></router-outlet>
<mat-sidenav #sidenav
<router-outlet name="sidebar-outlet"></router-outlet>
This could work for you. Create a new component named sideNavContainer. Then create another one named sideNavComponent and another SidNav2Component, break up the html so the container contains both sideNavs., Create a route to the container, then add 2 child routes pointing to others.
Add the container to toolbox. Any nav to children should refresh children without affecting ant thing else.