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Hide other buttons on mouseover

I have a dynamic array of buttons and I want to hide others when one is hovered. There is a REPL here with my attempt.

It went well until I have to update a child prop from the parent. I get this error :

Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or '<svelte:options accessors/>'

So I put the option line in my Btn.svelte but I still get an error. Am I missing something ? Or maybe there is an easier way ??

Thanks for your help !


  • There was another error, you didn't clear the isOpaque field when the button is actually hovered. Then, I suggest an optimization, the {#each} repeater emits the current index, so we don't need an extra variable for this. Here's my correction/suggestion using the $set method to update the component property:

        import Btn from "./Btn.svelte";
        let current;
        const data = ["foo", "bar", "baz"];
        let btns = [];
        function overed (e) {
            console.log("overed :" +;
            btns.forEach((btn, i) => {
                btn.$set({isOpaque: !== data[i]})
    {#each data as item, index}
    <Btn on:overed={overed} data={item} bind:this={btns[index]}>{item}</Btn>

    And here is a simplified version that does not require updating the child components property from the parent: