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Unmarshalling config files in go

I am trying to read a config in a json file using the viper library

        "currency": {
            "btc": [{
                "api_endpoint": "$address/balance",
                "balance_threshold": 234234.34,
                "wallet_address": "0xsdrsdf",
                    "slack": "put slack config here",
                    "sms": "put sms config here"
                "enable_monitoring": true
            "eth": [{
                "api_endpoint": "some endpoint",
                "balance_threshold" : 2234234.234,
                "wallet_address": "0xsdrsdf",
                    "slack": "put slack config here",
                    "sms": "put sms config here"
                "enable_monitoring": true

and config.go like this

   func GetConfig() {
        viper.SetConfigName("config") // name of config file (without extension)
        viper.SetConfigType("json")   // REQUIRED if the config file does not have the extension in the name
        viper.AddConfigPath(".")      // path to look for the config file in
        viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/") // path to look for the config file in
        err := viper.ReadInConfig()   // Find and read the config file
        if err != nil {               // Handle errors reading the config file
            panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file: %s", err))
        var config config
        fmt.Printf("Config: %v\n", config["currency"])

    type coreconfig struct {
        APIEndpoint      string  `json:"api_endpoint"`
        BalanceThreshold float64 `json:"balance_threshold"`
        WalletAddress    string  `json:"wallet_address"`
        EnableMonitoring bool    `json:"enable_monitoring"`
        Alerts           map[string]alerts

    type alerts struct {
        Sms   string `json:"sms"`
        Slack string `json:"slack"`

    type currencyconfig map[string][]coreconfig

    type config map[string]currencyconfig

The output is printed as empty config

[map[btc:[map[alerts:[map[slack:put slack config here sms:put sms config here]]$address/balance balance_threshold:234234 enable_monitoring:true wallet_address:0xsdrsdf]] eth:[map[alerts:[map[slack:put slack config here sms:put sms config here]] api_endpoint:some endpoint balance_threshold:2.234234e+06 enable_monitoring:true wallet_address:0xsdrsdf]]]] <= This shows that config file is read correctly

Config: map[] <= actual output


  • Use map[string]string or alerts only in coreconfig struct as your json stucture.

    The json tag is used by the json package, not by viper. Viper use package for unmarshaling, so use mapstructure tag.

    type coreconfig struct {
        APIEndpoint      string  `mapstructure:"api_endpoint"`
        BalanceThreshold float64 `mapstructure:"balance_threshold"`
        WalletAddress    string  `mapstructure:"wallet_address"`
        EnableMonitoring bool    `mapstructure:"enable_monitoring"`
        Alerts           alerts