In Informatica mapping, I need to split multiple Connected Lookups with different lookup conditions and connect the output port to the same field of 1 Target Table.
For eg., I have 10 LKPs (all are generating different values for Acc_No based on 10 different scenarios) and I need to connect the output ACC field to the ACC field of the target table. I had created 10 Target tables in the mapping and linked only the output port from each of these 10 LKPs to the target table ACC field. But that is causing 10 times the data to be loaded in the target table. I have 100 records in source and need only 100 in target but its loading 1000.
How can I achieve this - Do I need 10 Target table instance in the mapping or can it be done with 1 but using some other technique to ensure no duplication of LKP matched records?
My mapping snippet is here - I have 10 such LKPs in the mapping
Basically you have to understand the insertion process. If you have 10 targets of same table/ flat file, and you populate same column (ACC) using 10 lookups, it will cause the data to be loaded the no of times you use the target which leads to duplicates.
Even if you use 10 different conditions in each lookup, there should be only one output port to populate ACC column.
The correct solution is,