Search code examples

PRAW: How do you get your submission link?

def self_post():
for i in sub_reddit:

    reddit.subreddit(i).submit(post_title, url=post_body)
    print("posted on " + i)
    submission.reply('This is a test reply')

posting the thread works just fine, but i'm trying to get the post URL, then reply to that submission, how would i do that?


  • The submit method returns the submission that has been created. So you can save it by doing

    submission = reddit.subreddit(subreddit).submit(post_title, selftext=post_body)

    You can also get the comment created via reply by saving the result of calling that method:

    comment = submission.reply('This is a test reply')

    Then your function becomes:

    def self_post(post_title, post_body):
        for subreddit in sub_reddit:
            submission = reddit.subreddit(subreddit).submit(post_title, url=post_body)
            print("posted on " + subreddit)
            reply = submission.reply('This is a test reply')