I want to trim my log-files to 7KB. But the trimming just run once and the filesize will also not be updated.
Here is the code:
$thresholdKB = "7";
$files = glob('logs/*.{log}', GLOB_BRACE);
foreach($files as $file) {
$filesizeKB = filesize("$file") / 1024;
if ($filesizeKB > $thresholdKB){
while ($filesizeKB > $thresholdKB) {
$filesizeKB = filesize("$file") / 1024;
$lines = file("$file");
$fp = fopen("$file", 'w');
fwrite($fp, implode('', $lines));
The results of filesize
are cached. You need to call clearstatcache()
after updating the file.