I am preparing my SQL query in excel after that c/p to sqlite editor. I tried two different editor and the problem is same. For example in Excel this is how my query looks
INSERT INTO jokes_table (id, title, joke, cat, fav, bookmark)
VALUES ("9", "There''s this dyslexic guy... he walked into a bra...", "There''s this dyslexic guy... he walked into a bra...", "Bar", "0", "0");
in sqlite editor it becomes
"INSERT INTO jokes_table (id, title, joke, cat, fav, bookmark) VALUES (""1"", ""What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground Beef!"", ""What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground Beef!"", ""Animal"", ""0"", ""0"");"
There is extra quotes starting and end of query. I know that's happens because of "bottom line" but if I remove the extra quotes manually the editor can run code without any error even if it have bottom line. There is 10.000 query and i can't remove manually. How can I fix it? Thanks a lot
It may not be the best way but you can save it as Formatted Text (Space delimited)
and use that to copy paste later on.
In Excel 2019
Save As Type
dropdown choose Formatted Text (Space delimited)
Open and copy paste from there
See below screenshot for format
One more workaround is to use Notepad++.
in the beginning of your queries & delete.;"
-> Press CTRL+H
-> Replace ;"
with ;
. See GIF below