I am try to call a method which creates an ID, from AAA000 -> ZZZ999. The method itself works fine, however I am calling it asynchrously which is causing issues when 2 or more cases are created alongside one another. The highest value is stored in the DB (it doesn't have to be), and I am trying to do this:
Get highest current value -> Increment it using my method -> Save new highest value -> Return new highest value.
Before this method I was just getting the max from the Case table.
I have considered a few ways to achieve this, including seeding the DB from AAA000 -> ZZZ999 and looking up my incremented by postgres ID for the 'friendly' value. However this seems suboptimal.
Any suggestions on how this could be achieved would be appreciated:
Overview of code:
.net core microservices
Amazon SQS
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<EmailClassified> context)
var caseCommand = new CreateCaseFromEmailCommand(context.Message.Classification, context.Message.AiProbability, context.Message.Email);
var newCase = await _mediator.Send(caseCommand);
if (newCase != null)
// do something signalR
await Task.CompletedTask;
// log error
await Task.CompletedTask;
public class CreateCaseFromEmailCommand : IRequest<Case>
public string Classification { get; set; }
public decimal AiProbability { get; set; }
public CaseEmail Email { get; set; }
public CreateCaseFromEmailCommand(string classification, decimal aiProbability, CaseEmail email)
Classification = classification;
AiProbability = aiProbability;
Email = email;
public class CreateCaseFromEmailCommandHandler : IRequestHandler<CreateCaseFromEmailCommand, Case>
private readonly IMyDbContext _context;
public CreateCaseFromEmailCommandHandler(IMyDbContext context)
_context = context;
public async Task<Case> Handle(CreateCaseFromEmailCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
NextIdHelper helper = new NextIdHelper(_context);
string caseReference = helper.GetNextFriendlyId();
var investor = _context.Set<Investor>()
.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EmailAddress.ToLower() == request.Email.FromAddress.ToLower());
var classification = _context.Set<Classification>().Include(t => t.Team)
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.ToLower() == request.Classification.ToLower());
var team = classification.Team;
var entity = new Case()
FriendlyCaseId = caseReference,
Summary = request.Email.Subject,
Description = request.Email.Message,
Priority = Priority.Medium,
CaseStatus = CaseStatus.Open,
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
NextSla = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
Investor = investor,
UnknownInvestorEmail = investor == null ? request.Email.FromAddress : null,
Classification = classification,
Team = team,
AiProbability = request.AiProbability,
Emails = new List<CaseEmail> {request.Email}
await _context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);
return entity;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
public class NextIdHelper
private readonly IMyDbContext _context;
public string Value { get; set; }
public NextIdHelper(IMyDbContext context)
_context = context;
public string GetNextFriendlyId()
var nextValue = "";
var highestId = _context.Set<MaxCaseReference>().FirstOrDefault();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Value))
nextValue = CalculateNextId(Value);
nextValue = CalculateNextId(highestId.Reference);
highestId.Reference = nextValue;
Value = nextValue;
return nextValue;
private string CalculateNextId(string currentId)
char[] characters = currentId.ToCharArray();
int currNum = int.Parse(currentId.Substring(currentId.Length - 3));
Tuple<char, char, char, int> id = new Tuple<char, char, char, int>(characters[0], characters[1], characters[2], currNum);
var number = id.Item4 + 1;
var c3 = id.Item3;
var c2 = id.Item2;
var c1 = id.Item1;
if (number > 999)
number = 0;
if (c3 > 'Z')
c3 = 'A';
if (c2 > 'Z')
c2 = 'A';
if (c1 > 'Z')
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Next ID bigger than \"ZZZ999\"");
var next = new Tuple<char, char, char, int>(c1, c2, c3, number);
return $"{next.Item1}{next.Item2}{next.Item3}{next.Item4.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')}";
Instead of selecting and incrementing the string, generate an ID with a SEQUENCE or IDENTITY column, and if you must, translate it to a string on the client. EG
static string GetId(int id)
var chars = new char[6];
char Zero = '0';
chars[5] = (char) (Zero + id % 10);
id = id / 10;
chars[4] = (char)(Zero + id % 10);
id = id / 10;
chars[3] = (char)(Zero + id % 10);
id = id / 10;
char A = 'A';
chars[2] = (char)(A + id % 26);
id = id / 26;
chars[1] = (char)(A + id % 26);
id = id / 26;
chars[0] = (char)(A + id % 26);
return new string(chars);
to get the sequence value add a method to your DbContext like this:
private long GetSequenceNextVal(string sequenceName)
var con = Database.GetDbConnection();
var initialState = con.State;
if (con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
con.Open(); //the DbContext will clean up after exceptions
var cmd = con.CreateCommand();
var connectionType = con.GetType().Name;
string sql;
if (connectionType == "SqlConnection")
sql = $"select next value for {sequenceName};";
else if (connectionType == "NpgsqlConnection")
sql = $"SELECT nextval('{sequenceName}');";
else if (connectionType == "OracleConnection")
sql = $"select {sequenceName}.nextval from dual";
throw new NotImplementedException($"No sequence generatator for {connectionType}");
cmd.CommandText = sql;
var result = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
var val = Convert.ToInt64(result);
if (initialState == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
return val;