how can change style of variables on tags?
information :
var $classi = $("#class").val();
var $id = $("#id").val();
var $value = $("#value").val();
$("#").append('<input class="default ' + $classi + '" type="text" id="' + $id + '" value="' + $value + '"' ');
i want addstyle to $value
$value.css('text-align','right') ;
is incorrect . because when i tried that . elements were not made . i want to change or add style values . how can i do that?
You can't add styles to $value
because $value
is a value - var $value = $("#value").val();
- and not a DOM element. You can add style to the element with the id
value like this:
$("#value").css("text-align", "right");
As your question is how to add styles to variables on tags - if you would declare var $value = $("#value")
instead, the expression $value.css("text-align", "right");
would work.