I work on angular 7 app I face issue when route to component report details
using router link it only create URL link on browser but not redirect to
component report details until I click Enter.
It only working routing correctly if I use href .
If I use href or router link two both generate same URL link
If I use router Link I write router link as :
<a [routerLink]="['/reportdetails']" [queryParams]="{id: subrep.reportID}" >
When use href I write as below :
<a href="/reportdetails?id={{subrep.reportID}}">
approutingmodule.ts :
const routes: Routes = [
{path:'',redirectTo: 'ReportCategoryComponent', pathMatch: 'full'},
so How to solve of issue of router link redirect ?
i see that queryparams is added in the the link provided in href
and routerLink
but in routing module id
is added a url param. It works with href
as it reloads the component.
as per the route provided in routing module the url to a particular id should be http://localhost:4200/reportdetails/2028
for routing with url params you have to subscribe to params
from ActivatedRoute
or to route with query params subscribe to queryParams
please find a routing demo here in stackblitz