Currently reading through the Learn You a Haskell, and I've come across this example for searching if a sublist is inside a list:
searchSublist :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
searchSublist needle haystack =
let nlen = length needle
in foldl (\acc x -> if take nlen x == needle then True else acc) False (tails haystack)
Algorithm optimality aside (Horspool's algorithm comes to mind), it seems inefficient for Haskell to use folds and keep iterating through values when it could just "stop" when it hits "True". I.e., say, in Python
, we could have something like...
def sublist_exists(needle, haystack):
nlen = len(needle)
if len(haystack) < nlen:
return False
elif haystack[:nlen] == needle:
return True
return sublist_exists(needle, haystack[1:])
and we would stop if we hit a True
However, for the Haskell
code, if I switch the fold
to a scan
, I get...
searchSublist :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [Bool]
searchSublist needle haystack =
let nlen = length needle
in scanl (\acc x -> if take nlen x == needle then True else acc) False (tails haystack)
ghci> searchSublist [3,4,5] [1..5]
Seems inefficient to traverse through the entire list.
it seems inefficient for Haskell to use folds and keep iterating through values when it could just "stop" when it hits
If you use foldr
and use tha laziness that (||)
uses, it can stop from the moment it finds an element. For example take nlen x
will not first calculate the entire list, this will be done lazily as well, so the (==)
function will check elementwise, and from the moment one of the two elements is different, it will stop.
We can use of isPrefixOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
to check if one list is the prefix of the other, which is more elegant than writing this with take nlen
We can thus implement this as:
searchSublist :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
searchSublist needle = foldr ((||) . isPrefixOf needle) False . tails
or with any :: Foldable f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Bool
searchSublist :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
searchSublist needle = any (isPrefixOf needle) . tails
There is also an isInfixOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
function which seems to do what you here implement.