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Is it possible to programmatically export a list of networks one by one to PNG in the R package visNetwork?

I tried sample codes for visExport() and is able to add a "Export as PNG" button to a Shiny webpage. But this would need user interaction to press the button to export the network to a PNG image file.

I have over hundred of networks and would like to export them each to a PNG file. And some of these would need regular updating. So it would be logistically nice to be able to export all them to PNG files without a user pressing the "Export as PNG" button for each of the network.

So is it possible to programmatically export a list of networks one by one to PNG? This would be just like for visSave() to export the HTML for each network one by one.


  • In reference to other post, here is working code making use of the webshot package.

    # create network data
    nodes = data.frame(id = numeric(),label=character(),set = numeric(),stringsAsFactors = F)
    edges = data.frame(from = numeric(),to = numeric(),set = numeric(),stringsAsFactors = F)
    for (i in 1:10){
      tempNodes <- data.frame(id = 1:15, label = paste("Label", 1:15), set = i)
      tempEdges <- data.frame(from = trunc(runif(15)*(15-1))+1,
                              to = trunc(runif(15)*(15-1))+1, set = i)
      nodes = rbind(nodes,tempNodes)
      edges = rbind(edges,tempEdges)
    # loop through each set to export to PNG
    for (i in 1:max(nodes$set)){
      subNodes = nodes[nodes$set==i,]
      subEdges = edges[edges$set==i,]
      network = visNetwork(subNodes, subEdges, width="100vw",height = "100vh") %>% 
        visLayout(randomSeed=1,improvedLayout=TRUE) %>% 
        visGroups(groupname = "actorImported",shape="circle") %>%  
        visEdges(smooth=FALSE) %>% 
        visPhysics(solver = "barnesHut") 
      fname = paste0("network",sprintf("%03d",i),".html")