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Draw text with custom font using ImageMagick and PHP

I want to dynamically render text to an image with a custom font, preferably with the option to output directly or save to a file. And to automatically set the image size according to the font/size combination.

I can already do this with GD, but it doesn't handle fonts where characters overlay each other.

So now I'm looking to ImageMagick. I've found an example in the docs that seem to do what I want. Is this possible with php_magick? Especially the part where no image size is defined :) If it is not, can I make command-line magick output the raw image, so I can pass it directly to the client with PHP?


The real question probably is: How do I convert the IM command below to PHP code using php_magick?

convert -background lightblue -fill blue -font Arial -pointsize 72 label:Anthony


  • Decided to skip the API and use the command-line interface instead.

    convert -background lightblue -fill blue -font Arial -pointsize 72 label:Anthony png:-

    This returns the raw PNG data, which we can then output to the browser. Replace png:- with the filename to save to a file instead.

    Don't forget to use escapeshellarg if you are using user input as parameters here.