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How to join two MySQL tables for wp_rest_api

In my WordPress database I have three tables wp_companies which stores some company info and wp_product_types which stores a bunch of product types that a company can assign them selves then I have wp_company_products which is used to assign product types to a company using ids.

Heres an example of how the database looks:


id | company_name | member_type | logo
1  | Google       | full        |
2  | Crunchyroll  | full        |


id | product_name    |
1  | Car Insurance   |
2  | House Insurance |
3  | Life Insurance  |


id | company_id | product_id 
1  | 1          | 2
2  | 2          | 1
3  | 1          | 3

Here's my current MySQL query that simply shows the data in wp_companies

    add_action('rest_api_init', function() {
        register_rest_route('custom-routes/v1', 'members', array(
            'methods' => 'GET',
            'callback' => 'get_members'
        ) );

    function get_members($data) {
        global $wpdb;

        $query = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT company_name, member_type, logo, site_url FROM {$wpdb->prefix}companies ORDER BY RAND()" );

        foreach ( $query as $member ) {
            $member_data[] = array(
                "company_name" => $member->company_name,
                "member_type" => $member->member_type,
                "logo" => $member->logo,

        return $member_data;

This displays my data like so on my api end point:


But what I want is to combine the wp_companies and wp_company_products tables so that my data is displayed something like this on the api end point:

        "products": [
            "House Insurance",
            "Life Insurance"
        "products": [
            "Car Insurance",

How can I structure my MySQL query to be able to achieve this?


  • Please try this

    function get_members($data) {
        global $wpdb;
        $query = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT company_name, member_type, logo, site_url FROM {$wpdb->prefix}companies ORDER BY RAND()" );
        foreach ( $query as $member ) {
            $productQuery = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT product_name FROM wp_products WHERE id IN (SELECT product_id from wp_company_products WHERE compony_id = '{$member->id}') " );
            $products = array();
            foreach ( $productQuery as $prduct ) {
                array_push($products ,$prduct->product_name);
            $member_data[] = array(
                "company_name" => $member->company_name,
                "member_type" => $member->member_type,
                "logo" => $member->logo,
                "products" => $products
        return $member_data;