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Converting a Youtube Upload into Podcast

There is this youtube channel that uploads one videos per week at exactly the same time every week. Is it somewhat possible to create a python script that creates a podcast out of it.

What Library should I be learning to make this thing possible or is it even possible in the first place?



  • Interesting. There are legal blah blah blah rights blah blah blah... but you know that already.

    I would think if you have a link that auto-plays on page open you could use webbrowser with PyAudio as a simple way to rip the audio from a youtube video. This would require you to play the whole thing and doesn't take into account how long the play time is, but it may get you started.

    """ A wire between input and output. """
    import pyaudio
    import sys
    import webbrowser
    # open the page
    chunk = 1024
    FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
    CHANNELS = 1
    RATE = 44100
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    stream = = FORMAT,
                channels = CHANNELS,
                rate = RATE,
                input = True,
                output = True,
                frames_per_buffer = chunk)
    print "* recording"
    for i in range(0, 44100 / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS):
        data =
        stream.write(data, chunk)
    print "* done"

    This is just code form the pyaudio page. I haven't tried to run it but if your lucky it will work.

    How to package and serve the resulting audio file is another issue.