I calculate percent when checkbox on recyclerView item is checked or unchecked. It works fine but when I add a new item to recyclerView sometimes onChanged() is called infinitely and UI freezes.
In MainActivity
public void onCheckBoxCheckListener(final TaskEntry taskEntry, final boolean isChecked) {
AppExecutors.getInstance().diskIO().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private void setupViewModel() {
MainViewModel viewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this).get(MainViewModel.class);
viewModel.getTasks().observe(this, new Observer<List<TaskEntry>>() {
public void onChanged(List<TaskEntry> taskEntries) {
mProgressValue.setText((int)mTotalProgressPercent + " %");
//this gets logged infinity when a new item is added
Log.d("setupVM", " called TotalPercent = " + (int)mTotalProgressPercent );
private void calculatePercent(List<TaskEntry> taskEntries) {
int countChecked = 0;
for(TaskEntry i: taskEntries){
if(i.isChecked()) countChecked++;
mTotalProgressPercent = (double)countChecked/taskEntries.size() *100;
public class MainViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private LiveData<List<TaskEntry>> tasks;
public MainViewModel(@NonNull Application application){
AppDatabase database = AppDatabase.getInstance(this.getApplication());
tasks = database.taskDao().loadAllTasks();
public LiveData<List<TaskEntry>> getTasks() {
return tasks;
When new Item (task) is added using another activity, onSaveButtonclicked method is used
public void onSaveButtonClicked() {
String description = mEditText.getText().toString();
int priority = getPriorityFromViews();
Date date = new Date();
final TaskEntry taskEntry = new TaskEntry(description, priority, date, false );
AppExecutors.getInstance().diskIO().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if(mTaskId == DEFAULT_TASK_ID){
}else {
taskEntry.setId(mTaskId); //for updating any task, works fine
finish(); // return to main activity
I solved this issue. I just used onClickListener on Checkbox instead of OnCheckedChangeListener. OnCheckedChanged() was getting called again and again in a loop. But now it works fine with onClickListener.