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Using Flextable in a Function in R

I am trying to create a function in R markdown for conditional formatting while using flextable package. I am trying to color format rows based on the condition which compares two columns.

cndnl_form <- function(data,mv1,ov1)

ft <- flextable({{data}})

ft <- color(ft, i = ~ ({{mv1}}- {{ov1}}/ abs({{mv1}}) > 0.25),
j = {{ov1}},



but i am getting an error Error during wrapup: object 'mv1' not found

Any idea, what should i change?


  • I'm not sure whether tidy eval will work in this context.

    However, as flextable allows for formula specifications you can set up the condition as a formula for which I use reformulate.

    Using mtcars as example data with the simple condition mv1 > 20 try this:

    cndnl_form <- function(data, mv1, ov1) {
      ft <- flextable(data)
      row <- reformulate(paste(mv1, "> 20"))
      col <- reformulate(ov1)
      color(ft, i = row, j = col, color = "blue")
    ft <- cndnl_form(head(mtcars), "mpg", "gear")

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