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How to get bottomTab press action with wix react-native-navigation?

I have set up navigation with Bottom tabs in react-native-navigation, this is working fine

bottomTabs: {
  children: [
      stack: {
        id: 'HOME_TAB',
        children: [
            component: {
              id: 'HOME_SCREEN'
              name: 'HomeScreen'
        options: {
          bottomTab: {
            icon: require('./home.png')
      stack: {
        id: 'PROFILE_TAB',
        children: [
            component: {
              id: 'PROFILE_SCREEN',
              name: 'ProfileScreen'
        options: {
          bottomTab: {
            icon: require('./profile.png')

But I want to add some other code when I switch from a tab to another, how could this be done?


  • You can listen to tab selection events by registering a Navigation events listener. The tabSelected event is emitted when the selected tab has changed., unselectedTabIndex) => {

    If you'd like to handle the tab selection yourself, set the selectTabOnPress: false option on the bottomTab you'd like to handle selection for, and register a tabPressed listener to handle the tab press event. This event is emitted when a tab is pressed by the user.

    options: {
      bottomTab: {
        icon: require('./home.png'),
        selectTabOnPress: false
    } => {