I have the following Chapel code.
proc update(x: int(32)) {
return 2*x;
proc dynamics(x: int(32)) {
return update(x);
I would like to send some kind of callback to dynamics
, like
proc update(x: int(32)) {
return 2*x;
proc dynamics(x: int(32), f: ?) {
return f(x);
writeln(dynamics(7, update));
Is this possible? Are there examples I could browse?
Chapel has first-class functions . They are work in progress, at the same time have been used successfully (details are escaping me).
Your example works if you either remove the :?
or specify the function's type as func(int(32), int(32))
proc dynamics(x: int(32), f) // or
proc dynamics(x: int(32), f: func(int(32), int(32)))