I am attempting to conduct a t test in R to try and determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in salary between US and foreign born workers in the Western US. I have 2 different data frames for the two groups based on nativity, and want to compare the column variable I have on salary titled "adj_SALARY". For simplicity, say that there are 3 observations in the US_Born_west frame, and 5 in the Immigrant_West data frame.
US_born_West$adj_SALARY=30000, 25000,22000
#Here is what I attempted to run:
t.test(US_born_West$adj_SALARY~Immigrant_West$adj_SALARY, alternative="greater",conf.level = .95)
However I received this error message: "Error in model.frame.default(formula = US_born_West$adj_SALARY ~ Immigrant_West$adj_SALARY) :
variable lengths differ (found for 'Immigrant_West$adj_SALARY')"
Any ideas on how I can fix this? Thank you!
and Immigrant_West$adj_SALARY
are of unequal length. Using formula interface of t.test
gives an error about that. We can pass them as individual vectors instead.
t.test(US_born_West$adj_SALARY, Immigrant_West$adj_SALARY,
alternative="greater",conf.level = .95)