Say that we have a function:
function StripTrailingWhitespace()
if !&binary && &filetype != 'diff'
normal mz
normal Hmy
normal 'yz<CR>
normal `z
How to map this function to StripTrailingWhiteSpace
command so that we can run :StripTrailingWhiteSpace
instead of :call StripTrailingWhiteSpace()
How to do the same for functions with arguments ?
The reason for doing that is: we get commands as completion window of fzf/vim-clap/coc
plugins. And it's more align with vscode's cmd+shift+p
The :command
command is what you are looking for.
Please read :h command
for details. E.g. range handling, arguments handling etc.
In your case:
command! StripTrailingWhiteSpace call StripTrailingWhiteSpace()