I found this code in a project:
public static Integer[] getArrayInt(int size, int numBytes) {
return IntStream
.range(0, size)
.mapToObj(time -> {
return extractValue(getArrayByte(numBytes * size), numBytes, time);
}).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new Integer[0]);
public static byte[] getArrayByte(int size) {
byte[] theArray = new byte[size];
new Random().nextBytes(theArray);
return theArray;
private static int extractValue(byte[] bytesSamples, int numBytes, int time) {
byte[] bytesSingleNumber = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytesSamples, time * numBytes, (time + 1) * numBytes);
int value = numBytesPerSample == 2
? (Byte2IntLit(bytesSingleNumber[0], bytesSingleNumber[1]))
: (byte2intSmpl(bytesSingleNumber[0]));
return value;
public static int Byte2IntLit(byte Byte00, byte Byte08) {
return (((Byte08) << 8)
| ((Byte00 & 0xFF)));
public static int byte2intSmpl(byte theByte) {
return (short) (((theByte - 128) & 0xFF)
<< 8);
How to use it?
Integer[] coefficients = getArrayInt(4, 2);
The output:
coefficients: [8473, -12817, 12817, -20623]
This answer for random short is attractive, but it needs both (positive and negative) in only one method).
Obviously is a long code for obtain the Array of Random short with stream.
I know how to present a solution, with for loop and alternative method.
The Question: What faster and optimized code in order to obtain it recommend to me?
clear and simple solution:
public static Integer[] getArrayInteger(int size) {
return IntStream.generate(()
-> ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(Short.MIN_VALUE, -Short.MIN_VALUE))
public static Short[] getArrayShort(int size) {
return IntStream.generate(()
-> ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(Short.MIN_VALUE, -Short.MIN_VALUE))
.limit(size).boxed().map(i -> i.shortValue())
like second argument in order to obtain Short.MAX_VALUE
inclusive because the second argument for nextInt
is exlusive.