So I'm currently using the Spotify API with reactJS and get the access token of a user when the login is authenticated by Spotify, it redirects to the first page that I set it to, ('/') of Component={Home}. But from that Home page, I want to route to a different page with the path '/playlist' onClick of a button in which I push the url by,
this.props.history.push('/playlist/#access_tokens=' + spotifyApi.getAccessTokens())
This is the only way I got it to be with the access token passing in the URL.
Is this bad practice?
it's hard to understand your goals for me, but if you want to pass access_token only by url, you can use state to hide token from the user
pathname: '/playlist',
state: {
accessTokens: spotifyApi.getAccessTokens()
and then get it by the next way
const location = useLocation();
const tokens = location.state && location.state.accessTokens;
But i can't understand why do not you pass your token to any management library like redux, mobx or some other browser storage (localStorage, sessionStorage)?